Ori’s Clean-Up activity sheets Colouring in Colouring in Adding Counting Matching Spot the difference Fish maze Ori maze Reg maze Teacher’s notes Paper recycling Glass recycling Writing What is composting? How does composting work? Composting What to put in Composting hints Composting activity sheet Ori’s Christmas activity sheets Colour & cut Cathy Reg Colour & cut Christmas tree Writing Ori Writing Christmas items Drawing Christmas photos Drawing Ori & friends Christmas tree card Seahorse Christmas card Ori Christmas card Starfish Christmas card Seahorse maze Sally maze Peta maze Carol: Deck the Sea Carol: Five days of Christmas Carol: Jingle Shells Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Ori the Octopus activity sheets Colour in Cathy Colour in Ori Colour in Peta & Harry Colour in Reg Colour in Sally Matching Harry maze Cathy maze Adding Odd one out Spot the difference Ori Spot the difference Sally Colour & cut Cathy Colour & cut Sally Counting Join the dots Peta Join the dots Sally